Sunday, January 27, 2013

List of Facebook Chat Emoticons 2018

Well, now you already know many of the facebook chat icons and fb chat codes either through our website or through someone else. But in order to learn new ones, you need to continue finding. So today I am going to show few more facebook chat icons which you can use in you chat.

Don't Forget to like our Facebook Page in order to get latest updates directly on your wall.

How to use: Copy and paste in your chat windows.

Love Smiley Giving Heart
Heart Giving Smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Coffee Smiley Face
Coffee Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Shy Smiley
Blushing shy emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Umbrella emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Grinning emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook sleepy emoticon
Sleepy emoticon yawning
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Smiley whistling a tune
Whistling smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Sick Emoticon
Emoticon with fever
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Angry facebook emoticon
Steaming angry
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Suicidal smiley holding a gun to his head
Holding a gun to his head
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Sleeping emoticon zzzz
Sleeping emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Tongue Out Facebook Emoticon
Tongue out emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Gift smileyface for facebook
Smiley in a gift box
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Beer smiley for facebook
Beer smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Heart holding emoticon
Holding heart balloon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Rose in hand
Giving a rose
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

New FB Chat Emoticons and Symbols

Facebook chat emoticons code are really impressive because there are so many cool emoticons to use in your chat. They show your mood if you use right kind of chat emoticon. Secondly, it's an easy way to impress your family and friends. But we do wonder how to get these new fb chat icons because everybody is using the regular ones which are available on facebook chat.Fb chat codes make these smileys.

Here I am going to show you some new fb chat emoticons code which you can use in you chat.

However you need to do one thing - Like our facebook page before using them.

How to use: Simply copy and paste the code in your facebook chat.

Coffee Smiley Face
Coffee Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Blushing Shy Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Love Smiley Giving Heart
Heart Giving Smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Angel Smiley For Facebook
Angel Smiley Face
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

love you that much
I love you this much
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Love You
I Love You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Teddy Bear Holding Flower Bouquet
Teddy bear with a flower bouquet
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Butterflies - new facebook chat code
Butterflies emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Music Notes And Symbols Facebook Emoticon
Music notes
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Yin-Yang Symbol Facebook Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Gangnam Style - Facebook Emoticon Of Psy
Psy - Gangnam Style
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Messi Emoticon For Facebook Chat
Leo Messi
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Middle Finger Facebook Emoticon
Middle Finger
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Peace Fingers Emoticon For Facebook Chat
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Rainbow Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Kitten Ripped A Hole In Facebook Chat Box
Kitten ripped a hole in chat box
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hidden Fist - New Facebook Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hidden Facebook Emoticons
Peeking baby
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Cute Kitty Emoticon For Facebook Chat
Cute kitty
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Hello Kitty Facebook Emoticon
Hello Kitty
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Chat Text Symbols 2018

Many facebook users use a lot of chat text symbols while chatting. While others get confused how they are using it. There are many text symbols which you can also use to impress your friends in chatting. However you need to know the right thing to make those symbols appear in your chat screen. You can use facebook chat emoticons and facebook chat smiley's too to make you chat more effective.

How to use: Simply copy ans paste the symbols in your chat window.

Here is a list of chat text symbols which you can use in your chat:

© ®
{。^◕‿◕^。} (◕^^◕) ¿ ¡

New Facebook Chat Emoticons Fb Chat Smileys

Facebook chat emoticons are the great way to present your mood to the people you are chatting. Boys and girls use these fb chat smileys often in their chat. Even you are using it but the thing is that you know only the common facebook chat emoticons provided by facebook chat. There are many more fb smiley symbols which you can use in your chat but you need to know the code for those symbols. Here I am presenting the list of fb Chat emoticons to use in your chat.

How to use:

Simply copy and paste the code in chat. They will not work in status and comments.
  • Middle Finger Facebook Emoticon
    - *Middle Finger
  • Middle Finger Facebook Emoticon
    - Finger
  • Gun Facebook Emoticon
    - Gun
  • Hearts Love Facebook Emoticon
    - Hearts
  • Rolling Stone's Facebook Emoticon
  • McDonalds Facebook Emoticon
    - Macdonalds
  • Hug Facebook Emoticon
  • Black Dude Happy Facebook Emoticon
    - Penguin
  • Love Facebook Emoticon
    - Red Love Heart
  • Apple Facebook Emoticon
    - Apple
  • Beer Facebook Emoticon
  • Nike Facebook Emoticon
    - Right Symbol
  • Broken Heart Facebook Emoticon
    - Broken Heart
  • Smirk Facebook Emoticon
  • Alien Facebook Emoticon
    - Alien Smiley
  • Kiss Facebook Emoticon
  • BMW Facebook Emoticon
    - BMW Smiley
  • Adidas Facebook Emoticon
  • Snowman Facebook Emoticon
    - Hen Smiley
  • Pff Facebook Emoticon
  • Wasnt Me Facebook Emoticon
  • Puke Facebook Emoticon
  • Black Dude Facebook Emoticon
  • Mercedes Facebook Emoticon
    - Mercedes
  • Whaat Facebook Emoticon
  • VW Facebook Emoticon
    - Volkswagon
  • LightBolt Facebook Emoticon
    - Thunder smiley
  • Star Facebook Emoticon
    - Star Smiley
  • Right Arrow Facebook Emoticon
  • LookUp Facebook Emoticon
  • Unsure Facebook Emoticon
  • 3D Glasses Facebook Emoticon

 Here are few more fb chat symbols that you can use:-

:-) :) :] =)
:-( :( :[ =(
:-P :P :-p :p =P
:-D :D =D
:-O :O :-o :o
;-) ;)
8-) 8) B-) B)
8-| 8| B-| B|
>:( >:-(

:/ :-/ :\ :-\
3:) 3:-)
O:) O:-)
:-* :*
o.O O.o
>:O >:-O >:o >:-o
curly lips
Chris Putnam
(Y) (y)